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@uppervillageblooms on Social Media

The business of running a business can be fun or it can be tedious. Or it can be conflicted and be both. Social media is one such thing for us.

When we first began nearly a year ago, it was unthinkable to not feature our business on Facebook. This is how we narrowcast to our closest friends and immediate community.

Being florists, we are so lucky to work in such a powerful visual medium! Instagram is where we flex our sexy and where we get to see our business neighbors and partners loosen up!

A few months ago we decided to jump on Pinterest primarily to save and share images and ideas between us. We also use it to share with our brand partners and colleagues, such as Root, Branch & Blossom. For example, we have partnered with them to create a bespoke home fragrance line for Upper Village Blooms! While this is in the early stages, we find that sharing our vision with them using Pinterest has made communication easier. But then we realized we are only using a fraction of Pinterest. So we created boards for our retail shop and flower designs, have a total of 4 followers and here we are!

Lastly, who really wants to be on Twitter besides Chrissy Teigen, kids who aren’t allowed to have Reddit, and Russian bots?

We are so late to that ballgame, but we have finally succumbed. Our policy is to tweet nice things only, like about flowers and good neighbors. We are truly happy we are to be a part of our Westchester County community and this is where we are starting to bloom!

#uppervillageblooms #crotonflorist #crotononhudson #CrotonNY #westchesterNY #lohud #flowers #florist #luxeblooms #blooms #localflorist #hashtaghell 🤣