What's New - Croton Florist — Upper Village Blooms


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For our Upper Village Blooms Loyalty Customers

Loyalty Customers, we have exciting news for you!

One of our goals is to make shopping at Upper Village Blooms easy for you, and our Loyalty Program is now simplified and much clearer.

Our Loyalty Program gives customers reward points, or Blooms. For every $10 spent, you earn 1 Bloom. At 5 Blooms, rewards begin. Reward examples include one free greeting card for 5 Blooms or 10% off your flower purchase for 10 Blooms.

When shopping in-store, you can now see which rewards you qualify for before making your purchase. Head straight to the register and tap the Check in for Free Rewards button on the screen. You will then be shown your eligible rewards for your visit.

If you would like more information, visit our Loyalty webpage for a link that will also do the same.

You must enroll your phone number to track your points. (We offer 2 complimentary Blooms if you add your email!)

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Love In Blooms Part One

We really LOVE Valentine’s Day! It’s a day celebrating love and it’s filled with chocolates and flowers —we all could use some extra love, chocolates, and flowers in our lives right now.

In the quiet days of January (it’s like a retail freeze), we have been doing research and getting inspired. It’s a new year, and we have been thinking about what we want to feature at Upper Village Blooms.

We have brought in some old favorites, such as botany + wax reed diffusers and Nectar Republic Apothecary Candles and their very popular Bath Salt Test Tubes. We have added two new formulations of Bath Salts: Peppermint Tea Tree and Grapefruit Lemongrass.

In addition to the Apothecary Candles, we are introducing Nectar Republic’s 1776 Collection. These fragrances are inspired by the gentlemen of the Revolutionary War, and are a soy/beeswax blend and wrapped with a leather cord.

Also new in the shop is Thesis Beauty’s Chocolate Heaven Mask, an organic, vegan mask made without any chemicals —but with pure organic cacao.

Teaposy’s Heart of Love Blooming Tea, a blend of Rose,  Lily, and Silver needle white tea, scented with fresh jasmine flower. Each bloom makes 6-8 cups of tea and is delightfully citrusy.

Furthermore, we have selected a new greeting card and stationery company, Brooklyn-based Open Sea Designs. Drawing creative inspiration from Victorian botanicals, esoterica, the animal kingdom, and the occult, they are a perfect fit for Upper Village Blooms. We now carry their Spirit Board Market Pad and Lucky Me Notepad, in addition to their oval Calendar card (not pictured below), we have some lovely Open Sea Valentine’s Day cards.

Stop in to see the new items we carry and pick up a Valentine’s Day giftie for your love.

Gifting Tranquility

The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year, and yet we strive to smile and carry on!

Here are some ideas to gift or give yourself to restore some peace. Be kind to yourself and don’t neglect the self-care this chilly holiday season!

Holiday Wreaths!

Here are just a few of the wreaths we’ve made for clients. Our speciality this year are small, Lilliputian wreaths that say “Less is Way More”.

We also have larger 22” wreaths, cemetery cones, pillows and blankets for memorials.

Stop in and choose one that you like, or order your custom wreath today.

Holiday Stock Up Sale!

We know that most retailers have their holiday sale after the season, so they can clear out their seasonal inventory.

We have a better idea. We are having that sale right now, before the holidays!

We are offering 15% off winter holiday items so you can make this holiday season fresh, new and exciting! We have tree ornaments, holiday-themed jewelry, menorahs, holiday cards, and lots of tchotchkes for the decorating.

This sale applies to our new holiday inventory, but does not apply to flowers, plants or artists’ work.

New Products for the Holidays!

We have been super busy, gearing up for the giving season! We are receiving inventory nearly every other day and furiously trying to keep up with the unboxing!

In addition to our new #madeincroton items, we have scarves in dark floral winter prints and just recently received a new product — Meditation Spinner Rings with affirmations!

Take a look through our photos to see what’s new this week!

TokyoMilk Tote Bag Giveaway!

Upper Village Blooms has proudly offered TokyoMilk luxury bath and beauty products since our beginning. As the seasons pass, we are continually impressed by the consistent quality of this brand! These flawless scent signatures with unusual blends work well with all body chemistry.

Their number 1 selling scent is Dead Sexy, and in many ways, it perfectly represents us and our demographic. The packaging is sumptuous and slathered in peonies, roses and skulls. The scent is spicy and delicious but not sugary, not for the meek. With top notes of vanilla and exotic woods, wearing Dead Sexy unabashedly channels your inner, unapologetic vixen.

New for this season is the Dead Sexy Shower Gel, so you can layer your scents or simply make your daily shower routine a lot more glam!

Other scents include the perennially popular Honey and the Moon, a soft honey scent that envelops you in cozy. Available in Eau de Parfum, Shea Butter Lotion and —new for us— in a travel candle! And for those of us who like our scents less sweet and more dry, Gin & Rosewater is back in the house in Eau de Perfume and Shea Butter Lotion.

For those of you who have been asking about it since Valentine’s Day— the Bon Bon Bubbling Bath is back! We have heard from many happy customers that this bubble bath is not just a pretty face, but it is a great value! The bubbles and the product are so well-formulated that both last for a long time, and the Dead Sexy scent is divine. Because Bon Bon Bubbling Bath doesn’t stay in stock for long, we also have Travel Mini Bubble Baths for the holidays! Pair it with a travel candle or hand lotion, and you have a winning Secret Santa or Mystery Mensch gift.

And… we are excited to offer our first ever product giveaway!

Receive a TokyoMilk Oilcloth Tote Bag with any $150 TokyoMilk purchase (while tote bags last). This includes all three TokyoMilk lines —Bon Bon, TokyoMilk Light and Tokyo Milk Dark!

Thanksgiving Flowers

This season we have created some autumnal designs that are bright, sunny and … warm! It is, after all, the season for giving thanks.

We found some darling Terracotta and Ghost Pumpkin Planters and created sweet arrangements that are perfect for an intimate dinner —they also happen to make fancied-for host gifts. The ceramic pumpkin can be reused as a decorative piece, vase or even a stylish storage container.

For a larger table, we recommend our Signature Centerpiece— which is all flowers!

For those who love the warmth of a traditional vessel, we offer our Overflowing Cornucopia. Some have mini-gourds or pumpkins nestled amongst the roses, hypericum berries and chrysanthemums.

Let us know if we can deliver to you —we offer free delivery in Croton to make your life a little easier— or have it ready for you to pick up in-store. Our shop hours not align with yours? We cheerfully open our shop by appointment, so please let us know!

In keeping with the spirit of Friendship and Abundance, we are giving you an Early (Turkey) Bird Discount!


Order your Thanksgiving Centerpieces by Sunday 11/24 and take 10% off!

Use Code SQBZQ71 when ordering online.

For more details, or to order easily online, check out our Thanksgiving Arrangements!

Do you envision something entirely different for your table? We can make it happen! Contact us at (914) 862-0755 or send us an email at info@uppervillageblooms.com.

The Moon Hat

We have officially heard that anything with the NASA logo is played out for the next fifty years, or at least until humans land on Mars. Thankfully, we have got your heads covered!

Upper Village Blooms is proud to now carry the Moon Hat!

The Moon Hat, by Croton’s own Dan Cummings, is a remarkable science teaching aid as well as fashionable headgear.

In both beanie and baseball cap, crisp and bright embroidered moon phases wrap around the head. Each image is placed to create a precise 360˚ model of the Moon's orbit around the Earth. It’s both beautiful and functional.

The Moon Hat comes with instructions sewn inside so you'll always know the moon phase names, which order they go in so you can orient yourself to the moon’s location.

Forbes named the Moon Hat “Best Science Gift of 2018”! And this year, with the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, it will be an even more timely gift for your favorite budding astronaut or rocket designer. For adults and kids alike, the fleece cap is stretchy and warm, and the baseball hat is distinctively sharp looking

Remember, it is good to be curious!

Follow Dan’s Blog at Star in a Star. Star In A Star was founded to improve early astronomy education by anchoring it in the physical world of people, objects, and places.

Vanessa's Tomato Jam!

Upper Village Blooms is very excited to announce that we now carry Vanessa’s Tomato Jam! We are especially proud to announced that this is Made in Croton!

Out of desperation, Vanessa Sudnik began making her Tomato Jam in order to use up all of the end-of-season fruit in her husband’s home garden.

This delightful concoction can be described as an American chutney —it is lighter in body with a perfectly balanced flavor. Vanessa’s Tomato Jam pairs well with stinky, washed-rind cheeses like taleggio, but it’s also delicious served with tangy cheddar. Substitute it for sweet chili paste in recipes, serve it on lamb, pork, poultry and beef, and it takes any potato —roasted, mashed, fried— to the next level! It dresses up grilled cheese sandwiches as well as turkey like you wouldn’t believe.

It will be your new favorite addition to your charcuterie board or sandwich.

$13.99 for an 8 oz jar


Stop by Second Mouse Cheese Shop in Pleasantville for accompanying delicious cheeses and charcuterie!

Special Blooms for L'Shanah Tovah

Rosh Hashanah is a two-day holiday marking the Jewish New Year. This year, September 29th at sundown, and ends at sundown on Tuesday October 1. The new year will be 5780.

It is both a solemn and festive holiday. At this time, we reflect on our actions and life of the past year. For this reason, it is also known as The Day of Remembrance, or “Yom Hazikaron”.

There are several food rituals associated with Rosh Hashanah, such as it’s traditional to eat a fruit you haven’t eaten for a long time on the second night of Rosh Hashanah. Symbolic foods include pomegranates, leeks, and yes, fish heads! However, everyone’s favorite is apples and honey, which is to encourage everyone to have a sweet new year.

Rosh Hashanah is also a time for gathering with family and friends over a traditional dinner.

It is entirely appropriate to give flowers on this holiday, and a custom flower arrangement from Upper Village Blooms is a perfect choice to give as a host gift!

Traditionally, for the high holidays, white is significant. In synagogues, many fabric items are replaced with white versions-- for example the curtain in front of the ark (the Parochet), or the Torah covers. The color white represents a clean start and a blank canvas on which to begin the new year.

Flowers in an autumnal palette are also an excellent choice, as the holiday is usually in September or October.

Upper Village Blooms offers all types of flower arrangements for every holiday! We only use premium flowers that are hand-selected by us for freshness. We’ll also deliver for free to anywhere in Croton!

Call us to place an order for your New Year’s Flowers and we wish you a Shana Tovah!

Rosh Hashanah Inspired Music for you to enjoy:, these are all live versions:

Mogwai “My Father My King”

Leonard Cohen “Who By Fire”

Phish "Avinu Malkenu"

Columbia Road Flower Market

Our Twitter feed somehow is filled with gorgeously creative flower designers and shops in the U.K. For inspiration, we follow the Royal Horticultural Society and Flower Joos, among so many others!

On a recent trip to London, we were determined to visit the Columbia Road Flower Market. It is an open air market occupying roughly a block of Columbia Road in Bethnal Green, East London. Open to the public on Sunday mornings, it is jam packed with shoppers looking for flowers, plants, pots and antiques.

From the beginning of its historical record, Columbia Road’s unsavory past has been … dark. It was an area where crime was rampant and Resurrection Men hid out. The London Burkers were feared body snatchers in the early 19th century, selling cadavers to anatomists for a pretty penny.

In 1869, the land was purchased by Baroness Angela Burdett-Coutts in order to save the area from its grim reality. Her intent was to create a fish and produce market and indeed, produce was sold there for about twenty years, until it closed and went into decline. The Baroness spent a fortune on a Gothic Hall market which was never really used, as the locals preferred to sell in the open air. (The Book of London Place Names, Caroline Taggart p. 197.)

The market evolved into a flower market, with songbirds for sale. The market, originally held on Saturdays, was moved to Sundays in order to accommodate Jewish traders. This was upheld by an Act of Parliament. The market has endured, despite a direct bombing during the Blitz on September 7, 1940.

This thriving market was festive on the day we visited, with street buskers and flower sellers calling their pitch “ev’ry thing a fiver!” We browsed everything from potted chillies to bamboo and all the gorgeous flowers in between. The hydrangea were in season and everything looked so inspiring!

Open every Sunday from 8am to about 3pm.

Sources and more info:
Caroline Corinne’s The Women of Columbia Road

Columbia Road Flower Market

And please, follow us on Twitter!

BTS and no, not kpop

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That means you can send a $25 nosegay to your favorite teacher, or even a single hydrangea bloom with a handwritten notecard.

Give us a call at (914) 862-0755 to arrange a dose of immediate happiness to a teacher or administrator or custodian or other school worker.

Wouldst thou garland thyself with flowers?

It’s August! And do you know what that means? A day at the Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo, NY! This yearly event is well-loved by so many because it is immersive— one enjoys it best not as a spectator but as a participant.

Every weekend until October 6th, you can step back in time 500 years to Elizabethan England. Caper around the Olde Village without a care and spend your shillings on ale or mead. You can attend a jousting tournament as a courtier, or try your skill at archery.

The easiest path to participation is cosplay. Doublets and hose for the Lords and finery for your Grace? Or perhaps thou art a poxy outlaw brigand in disguise, or a slatternly tavern wench?

God’s teeth, such raiment in the summertime? By your leave, we humbly offer a suggestion— Flower Crowns! They come in a variety of colors, price points, and styles. We have some made of dried flowers, fresh blooms, or silk ones.

Our Shoppe offers reasonably priced flower crowns for small princesses and grown fayries. Order yours today!

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight.

Oberon, Act 2 Scene 1
— A Midsummer Night's Dream, William Shakespeare

The New York Renaissance Faire

By God’s Bones: Medieval Swear Words

42 Old English Insults

The History of English: Early Modern (Warning: serious word nerds only)

Grammercy, Mistress Elisa, for suggesting Upper Village Blooms offer RenFaire flower crowns!

And we thank all of our flower crown models from the bottom of our hearts.

NY Now Gift Show

Twice a year, the NY Now Retail Renaissance gift show visits the Javits Center, giving retailers opportunities to see over 2,300 brands of products. Home decor, bath and beauty products, stationery, accessories, jewelry, and specialty food items are featured from all around the world. It is a convenient way for us to browse new brands, sample items, and reconnect with our established vendors.

This week, we walked many miles for several days, winding through the vast array of products, trying to avoid collecting too many heavy catalogs and failing.

We sniffed more lines of candles and home fragrance diffusers than we can remember and sampled so many hand lotions, body creams, and balms that we we’ve been light-headed and shiny for days. Oh, the things we suffer through!

Now that we are back, we are poring over catalogs, calculating minimum order prices and wishing we had a million dollars so we could bring all these fabulous products we found to Croton!

Here are only two dozen of the pictures we snapped!

@uppervillageblooms on Social Media

The business of running a business can be fun or it can be tedious. Or it can be conflicted and be both. Social media is one such thing for us.

When we first began nearly a year ago, it was unthinkable to not feature our business on Facebook. This is how we narrowcast to our closest friends and immediate community.

Being florists, we are so lucky to work in such a powerful visual medium! Instagram is where we flex our sexy and where we get to see our business neighbors and partners loosen up!

A few months ago we decided to jump on Pinterest primarily to save and share images and ideas between us. We also use it to share with our brand partners and colleagues, such as Root, Branch & Blossom. For example, we have partnered with them to create a bespoke home fragrance line for Upper Village Blooms! While this is in the early stages, we find that sharing our vision with them using Pinterest has made communication easier. But then we realized we are only using a fraction of Pinterest. So we created boards for our retail shop and flower designs, have a total of 4 followers and here we are!

Lastly, who really wants to be on Twitter besides Chrissy Teigen, kids who aren’t allowed to have Reddit, and Russian bots?

We are so late to that ballgame, but we have finally succumbed. Our policy is to tweet nice things only, like about flowers and good neighbors. We are truly happy we are to be a part of our Westchester County community and this is where we are starting to bloom!

#uppervillageblooms #crotonflorist #crotononhudson #CrotonNY #westchesterNY #lohud #flowers #florist #luxeblooms #blooms #localflorist #hashtaghell 🤣

Seeded Eucalyptus is a Myth!



Seeded eucalyptus is back and we are so excited that we made it this week’s Flower of the Week!

There are over 700 different species of Eucalyptus, most being native to Australia. Eucalyptus trees or shrubs have a high degree of variance among them. Their leaves and bark may have vast differences, but some commonalities include the eucalyptus oil on the leaves, toxicity, and a fast growth rate.

Eucalyptus is a popular choice in modern floral arrangements, and florists appreciate the differences in leaf shape and structure. The most popular type we use is termed “seeded eucalyptus” —however, it is actually any type of immature eucalyptus with the operculum attached. The operculum is a bud cap that holds the flower in and gives the capsule a fatter look. It’s not actually a seed! Nor is it a variety, but a developmental stage.

From April to mid-July, florists are hard-pressed to lay hands on this popular greenery choice. We love using it in our designs because it adds so much to the overall arrangement: the olive tones of the leaf complement the darker, more deciduous shades of fern and grass; the structure of the opercula bring an exotic texture against the softer forms of roses; and the form itself of the eucalyptus creates a yielding structure for the individual blooms.

And of course, we love the smell of Eucalyptus! When we have any left over, we use it at home for self-care. Some ideas are to tie leaves in a loose bunch and steep in a hot bath; hang several stems of Baby Blue and hang upside down in the shower for a fragrant steam; or dry your eucalyptus leaves and store them in sachets for a natural insect repellent.

Remember that the leaves are toxic when ingested. Keep it away from cats who can’t be trusted not to eat things.

Also, if you’re interested in reading about how gold was absorbed into the leaves of Eucalypts in Australia, check out this Smithsonian Article! Nature is metal.


Australian Plants Online, by the Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants

The Mayesh Minute Short Video on Seeded Eucalyptus

Upper Village Blooms Launches Online Flower Ordering!!

We are thrilled to announce that Upper Village Blooms is an e-tailer!

You can now purchase our Luxe Blooms arrangements on our website, which makes ordering flowers super convenient for our customers in different time zones.

To access, click on the top right red Send Flowers button on our homepage.
This will bring you to a direct link to our e-shop.


We’d like to thank our co-partner Dan Cummings of DC Digital who is working with us on our SEO, e-commerce, and other digital projects to make your Upper Village Blooms experience a pleasure. He took several separate and vital platforms and seamlessly merged them into our online shop, and this is just the beginning of our offerings!

If you have a small business, we highly recommend you consider Dan’s professional SEO and digital marketing services. Visit DC Digital’s Facebook page and website for more information.

Thank you so much for your support!